Studio Bazelmans AV - Veldhoven
At the Bazelmans AV headquarters in Veldhoven, in the middle of the Brainport region, we created: Studio Bazelmans AV. An indoor hypermodern studio with an enormous LED-wall which can be transformed to your satisfaction.
Professional live streams, webcasts and interactive video productions can be realized from the Bazelmans AV studio. Ideal for (shareholder) meetings, corporate events, product launches, Webinars or conferences, with which you can leave a professional impression.
The studio is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and are operated by experienced technicians in order to take your online event to the next level.
The (technical) possibilities are endless, to give you inspiration you will find a brief summary below:
- External dial-in (via Microsoft teams and ZOOM, among others)
- Streaming on a closed and secure platform
- Live Q&A sessions and online poll
- Various arrangement in terms of interior
- Extra meeting rooms
- Food & Beverage
- & much more …
Bazelmans AV has the experience to advice you on the possibilities of online events and to provide you with tailor-made solutions and advice.